The IODE community is composed of IODE national coordinators, data centres, and information centres, as well as experts involved in IODE activities (IODE programme components, IODE programme activities and IODE projects). It is important to note that IODE activities are designed and implemented entirely by experts from IOC Member States on a voluntary basis and as an in-kind contribution to IOC and its IODE.

IODE national coordinators

Each IOC Member State is invited to designate an IODE national coordinator for data management and an IODE national coordinator for marine information management. They are the official representatives of their countries for matters related to ocean data and information management and the main point of contact for the IODE Secretariat. In many cases, the heads of the NODCs (see below) are also the IODE national coordinators for data management.

Different Centres

There are three types of centres:

  • IODE National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC). – These are centres that have been officially designated by an IOC Member State as NODC. While there is usually just one NODC in a country there may be more than one if a country so decides. The mission of a National Oceanographic Data Centre is to provide access and stewardship for the national resource of oceanographic data. This effort requires the gathering, quality control, processing, summarization, dissemination, and preservation of data generated by national and international agencies.Total number of data centres in the IODE network: 60  – Accredited NODC: 11   (status March 2024)
    1. tasks/mission of NODCs
    2. overview of NODC contacts
  • IODE Associate Data Unit (ADU) – Any national, regional or international project, programme, institution or organization that manages and shares ocean data can be recognized by IODE as an ADU. There is a formal application procedure that interested entities will use and applications are reviewed by the IODE Management Group.
    1. Application procedure ADU
    2. overview of ADU contacts
  • IODE Associate Information Unit (AIU) – Any national, regional or international project , programme, institution or organization, that carries out marine information management functions, and/or provide marine information services/products can be recognized by IODE as an AIU. There is a formal application procedure that interested entities will use and applications are reviewed by the IODE Management Group.
    1. Application procedure AIU
    2. overview of AID contacts

IODE has established and continues to establish a number of operational activities organized (since 2023) as IODE Programme Components (core IODE activities), Programme Activities (that are linked to programme components) and Projects  (time-limited  activities) (see also Actions).

Each of these activities is managed by a Steering Group composed of project leaders and experts working together on a voluntary basis (in some cases consultants or contractors are recruited). Each Steering Group elects a Chair or Co-Chairs who coordinate meetings and represent their IODE activity in the IODE Committee and in the IODE Management Group (see IODE Governance). Steering Groups are also encouraged to invite representatives of their user communities.
The above 4 stakeholder communities are invited to Sessions of the IODE Committee (see IODE governance).