What is the IODE Workplan?

The IODE work plan is developed during the IODE Management Group. The work plan below was agreed during the IODE-XXVII in March 2023.

IODE-XXVII workplan 2023-2024  (Version 6 April 2023)

Last updates: 29 January 2024 and 22 April 2024

Actions completed:16

Actions ongoing:33

Actions without progress: 12

Para number  Action item Deadline  Implemented by Status
34 The Committee called on NODCs and ADUs to apply for accreditation as a “quality seal” demonstrating that the data services provided are of the highest quality standards continuous NODCs, ADUs 6/4/2023: email sent to all NODC and ADU contacts

22/4/2024: email sent to all NODCs


The Management Group instructed ODIS to provide mechanisms to allow and encourage all ODIS partners to communicate their accreditation status (IODE or other).

The Management Group invited accredited data centres to mentor data centres that have interest in accreditation but require assistance.

The Management Group invited IOC RSBs to assist and coordinate in this regard.

35 The Committee stressed the importance of hosting an NODC and urged IOC Member States that have not yet established an NODC to do so to ensure their ocean data are shared globally and that their national ocean scientists have easy access to the global ocean data commons. Continuous IOC Member States


no new NODCs established

36 The Committee stressed the importance of hosting an AIU and urged marine libraries and information centres that have not yet established an AIU to do so to ensure their ocean information is shared globally and that their national ocean scientists have easy access to the global ocean information commons. continuous Marine libraries and information centres 6/4/2023: email sent to IAMSLIC President

20/10/2023: no change

22/4/2024: reminder email sent to IAMSLIC


The Management Group decided that IODE should participate in the 2024 IAMSLIC Conference to promote participation in IODE.

Planned October 2024
37 The Committee invited accredited NODCs, ADUs and AIUs to provide assistance and mentoring services to other NODCs, ADUs and AIUs that wish to apply for accreditation continuous Accredited NODCs, ADUs, AIUs

should be reported on by NOCDs, ADUs and AIUs at IODE-28


22/4/2024: reminder email sent to all NODCs asking for interest in mentoring

45 The Committee instructed the Secretariat to further investigate this matter [decrease in data centres that report a data discovery portal ] and invited data centres to establish data discovery portals IODE-28 IODE secretariat DONE

(emails sent to NODCs and ADUs on 21/11/2023 and 27/11/2023)

Responses received from 17 ADUs and 27 NODCs (last response on 1/12/2023)

54 The Committee noted the slow progress on the IODE data centre health check procedures, although a short progress report has been made available very recently, decided to extend the “Inter-sessional working group on the review of NODC health status within the IODE network” for another inter-sessional period and instructed the working group to (i) provide a status report on the procedures to the IODE Management Group (2024); and (ii) finalize the procedures for submission to the 28th Session of the IODE Committee (2025). IODE-MG 2024 and IODE-28 IWG review NODC health status

IODE MG imstructed to carry out 1st check

First health check to be prepared prior to IODE-28


The Management Group:

Instructed the Secretariat to undertake a first provisional health status check of all NODCs by IODE-28 and based on the criteria documented in Document IOC/IODE-MG-2024/2.2.3;

Instructed the Secretariat, taking into account the experiences with the first provisional health status check preparations, to submit a revised version of Document IOC/IODE-MG-2024/2.2.3 to IODE-28 for approval.

Invited Secretariats of RSBs to collaborate in ensuring continued communication and participation with IODE after staff changes at NODCs, ADUs or AIUs.

planned for May/June 2024

No action

No action

55 The Committee instructed the IODE Management Group to take into account the procedures used by the SG-OBIS as a possible model in their deliberations. IODE-MG 2024 and IODE-28 IODE MG See 54
57 The Committee further decided that, once a year, the IODE Secretariat should send out an IOC Circular Letter to all IOC Member States, inviting them to designate or update information on IODE national coordinators (data management and information management) and update the list on the IODE web site End 2023, end 2024 IODE Secretariat


IODE Secretariat sent out CL October 2023

IODE Secretariat to send out CL in June 2024

67 The Committee noted with regret the continuing small number of IODE Associated Information Units (AIUs) and requested a concerted recruitment effort be made to increase the number before IODE-XXVIII in close collaboration with ASFA and IAMSLIC. continuous IODE Secretariat, ASFA, IAMSLIC see 36
68 The Committee invited information centres, marine libraries and librarians as well as professional organizations such as IAMSLIC and ASFA to collaborate with IODE activities directly continuous information centres, marine libraries and librarians, IAMSLIC, ASFA To be discussed with IAMSLIC

(ongoing through AquaDocs)


69 The Committee, noting the slow and limited establishment of NODCs by Member States, recommended that a statement inviting Member States to actively establish NODCs should be included in the Assembly draft decision on IODE IOC-32 (prep for April 2023) IODE Secretariat, IODE Co-Chairs 6/4/2023: DONE
70 The Committee welcomed the steady growth in the number of IODE ADUs and invited organizations that manage oceanographic data currently not involved in IODE, to consider joining IODE as ADUs continuous Organizations that manage ocean data action by organizations


82 The Committee instructed all IODE projects and invited Member States to contribute research and informational documents to AquaDocs continuous IODE projects

6/4/2023: email sent to all project leads

No action


The Management Group instructed AquaDocs to check with ODIS to ensure that any migration does not cause issues in the representation of AquaDocs content in ODIS

No action
83 The Committee invited institutions and organizations, with insufficient capacity to host their own repository, to use AquaDocs continuous Institutions and organisations see 82
84 The Committee recommended that AquaDocs serve as the repository for reports and documents generated by the Decade Actions as soon as possible DCU

6/4/2023: sent email to DCU

DONE: documents being entered in AD

109 The Committee invited IQuOD to explore cooperation with other IODE projects such as ODIS/OIH, OTGA and others As soon as possible IQuOD, other IODE projects ONGOING

(Discussion between OIH/ODIS with INCOIS ongoing, re linking IQuOD and ODIS)

22/4/2024: Checked with IQuOD and ODIS for update

117 The Committee congratulated the network of OBIS nodes and the Secretariat for the important achievements and reiterated its past requests to the IOC Executive Secretary to create a regular programme position for the OBIS data manager January 2024 and continued IODE Co-Chairs Included in UNESCO 42 C/5. Position to be created in 2024


124 The Committee urged the IODE community to further document their methodologies and best practices and share them in the Ocean Best Practices System continuous IODE community ONGOING

Email sent to IODE MG members inviting them to report on submitted documents

128 The Committee called on Member States to participate in the Ocean InfoHub Project (OIH) to increase the visibility of their data holdings to the world, and to enable improved and more efficient access to global Ocean data continuous Member States


first group of NODCs contacted September 2023

checked with OIH secretariat 22/4/2024

India:  INCOIS (director@incois.gov.in /srinivas@incois.gov.in) . Connected to ODIS

Japan: JAMSTEC no reply, but successful discussions with MOEJ around plastics and other databases.

Korea: Contacted but no reply

USA: Woods Hole: Contacted but no reply.

Indonesia: connected to ODIS

South Africa (MIMS) ADU: Two recent meetings held,  they needed to do a little work their side, linking to ODIS in progress.

Canada OTN ADU. Connected to ODIS via CIOOS, will confirm details with Jeff.

US-NODC (NCEI): ODIS is connected to NCEI: WOD and have had a meeting with Jennifer Webster of NCEI re other data holdings

138 The Committee expressed its appreciation for the progress made by PacMAN, decided to continue this project and requested Member States to support the Secretariat and partners involved in PacMAN to further build upon and replicate PacMAN in other states, especially developing states and SIDS that are more vulnerable to the socio-economic impacts of marine invasive species. This will directly support Member States in implementing target 6 of the recently adopted CBD COP15 Kunming-Montreal 2030 targets, which aims to reduce the introduction of new invasive alien species by 50%, and puts emphasis on priority sites, such as islands continuous Member States


Checked with OBIS secretariat 22/4/2024

151 The Committee encouraged that IODE activities should be included in the work plans of the IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies (RSBs) through active participation of IODE national coordinators (data management and information management), NODCs, ADUs and AIUs in meetings of the RSBs, and requested the IODE Secretariat to contact the regional IOC offices to ensure inclusion of data/information in the agenda of RSB meetings April 2023 and


RSBs (IODE Secretariat to contact RSB Secretariats) 6/4/2023: email sent to RSB Secretariats

September 2023- April 2024: discussions being held with IOCARIBE, IOCINDIO, IOCAFRICA



The Management Group called on RSBs to involve IODE through invitation to the RSB meetings as well as regular discussions on D&I needs and active involvement in RSBs and IODE activities.

To be done by RSB in 2025
152 The Committee welcomed the offer by NMDIS (China), as ODINWESTPAC Secretariat, to actively participate in OIH/ODIS in preparation for new future arrangements of ODINs As soon as possible NMDIS and OIH/ODIS To be reported on by NMDIS and OIH/ODIS


22/4/2024: NMDIS as connected to ODIS

159 The Committee instructed the IODE Management Group to (i) further clarify and finetune the naming definitions; (ii) propose the designation of all other IODE activities; and (iii) propose procedures to guide applications for new components, activities and projects, and submit these to the 28th Session of the IODE Committee in 2025 (i) 2023

(ii) 2023

(iii) 2024 and by IODE-28


(See report) Starting May 2024


The Management Group instructed the Chair SG-QMF, supported by the Co-Chairs, to review and revise the reporting requirements described in M&G 81 and submit these to the 28th Session of the IODE Committee in 2025.

22/4/2024: Greg Reed to coordinate
164 The Committee approved the “Rules of Procedure for IODE Programme Components, Programme Activities or Projects” and instructed all projects to adopt these in their management structure by the next meeting of the IODE Management Group (December 2023/January 2024) IODE MG (Dec 2023/Jan 2024) IODE projects


All former projects to report at IODE MG February 2024

To be implemented by iode-28

165 The Committee instructed the Secretariat to publish the “Rules of Procedure for IODE Programme Components, Programme Activities or Projects” in the IOC Manuals and Guides series End 2023 IODE Secretariat DONE

25/4/2023: IODE Manuals and Guides No. 91published

170 The Committee instructed the SG-QMF to revise IOC Manuals and Guides No. 67 (IODE Quality Management Framework for National Oceanographic Data Centres and Associate Data Units (Revised edition)) to include the changes to the accreditation process As soon as possible (2023) SG-QMF


IODE Manuals and Guides No. 67 rev 2 published (2/10/2023)

171 The Committee invited Member States to nominate suitably qualified experts with experience in implementing quality management systems for management of oceanographic data to the SG-QMF for the next intersessional period and instructed the Secretariat to send out the call for experts as soon as possible As soon as possible Member States/ IODE Secretariat 17/4/2023: Email sent to IODE NCs for DM and ADUs

2/8/2023: new membership established


187 The Committee encouraged Member States, NODCs and ADUs to support the development of GO2DAT financially and in-kind continuous Member States, NODCs, ADUs

no action reported

22/4/2024: contacted Tim Boyer

192 The Committee invited NODCs and ADUs, as well as relevant existing regional networks, to participate in the upcoming data collection calls Continuous NODCs, ADUs, regional networks ONGOING

to be reported by IOC OSS Secretariat 

197 The Committee instructed its Co-Chairs to engage with the OCG Data Strategy Implementation Plan to ensure that it is fit for purpose from the ocean data management community standpoint As soon as possible IODE Co-Chairs


The IODE MG requested GOOS to organize a joint GOOS-IODE meeting on data, possibly during the GOOS SC-13 and to share the data implementation plan in advance.

22/4: check with Co-Chairs

198 The Committee urged IODE experts to participate in (online) OCG meetings As soon as possible IODE experts ONGOING
199 The Committee noted with appreciation the ambitious plan for a BioEco Data Portal that is an integrated resource for national, regional and global ocean observing system monitoring and planning, and instructed IODE OBIS to identify the resource needs to fulfil this in a 2023-2025 planning proposal As soon as possible IODE/OBIS Secretariat


Covered through EU projects: MARCO-BOLO, BioEcoOcean, DTO-BioFlow

201 The Committee took note of the activities undertaken with the TSR (tsunami resilience section) and invited TSR to consider more extensive collaboration through relevant IODE activities As soon as possible IOC/TSR


(cooperation with OTGA)

208 The Committee noted the concerns expressed by the WESTPAC Secretariat and recommended that discussions should be held between the WESTPAC Member States, NODCs, ADUs and AIUs in that region, to identify needs and possible supporting measures As soon as possible WESTPAC Member States, NODCs, ADUs and AIUs in that region


Secretariat contacted NMDIS to request starting discussions (20/11/2023

211 The Committee urged IOC Member states to work on closer collaboration on interoperability between IOC/IODE OIH/ODIS and WMO WIS 2.0 As soon as possible IOC Member States ONGOING

The Management Group welcomed the discussions between ODIS and WIS2.0 and invited WMO to continue the discussions toward linking ODIS and WIS.

A short section on ODIS / WIS2 interoperability was included in a document submitted to INFCOM-3.

22/4: asked OIH/ODIS Sec to report on outcome INFCOM-3

212 The Committee instructed the Secretariat to invite WMO to join IODE activities under the Ocean Decade As soon as possible IODE Secretariat


see 211

216 The Committee invited IODE NODCs, ADUs and AIUs to report (as part of the reporting in preparation for IODE Committee meetings) on projects, programmes and other initiatives in which they are involved and relevant to IODE IODE-28 NODCs, ADUs and AIUs

no action

to be done in preparation for IODE-28

220 The Committee strongly recommended NODCs and ADUs in Europe to consider involving IOC/IODE as a partner in future EU project proposals IODE-28 NODCs, ADUs in Europe ongoing
225 The Committee proposed that the ASFA Secretariat impact study explores further cooperation between OpenASFA and AquaDocs assessing the impact on user communities and identifying any actions to support SDGs, the Ocean Decade and joint market opportunities As needed ASFA


(ODIS is in the process of linking to OpenASFA. As of 25 Oct this was basically completed but not indexed yet)

227 The Committee recommended IODE and IAMSLIC to continue their relationship and create a new MOU of activities of mutual interest, including the provision of ongoing support by IOC/IODE and IAMSLIC to ensure the continuity of the AquaDocs Repository As soon as possible IODE, IAMSLIC


no new MoU established. AquaDocs hosting cost shared by IODE and IAMSLIC (October 2023)

237 The Committee instructed the IODE Co-Chairs to prepare a brief statement for the 32nd Session of the IOC Assembly (June 2023) on the outcome of IODC2 April 2023 IODE Co-Chairs DONE
238 The Committee instructed the IODE Management Group to prepare a proposal on the way forward to take the recommendations from IODC1 and IODC2 into consideration in the work plan of IODE during the next inter-sessional period (April 2023 – March 2025) as well as in the preparations for IODE-XXVIII 2023 IODE MG No action
267 The Committee encouraged NODCs/ADUs/AIUs to explore ways and opportunities to streamline their CD activities utilizing the Ocean CD-Hub Continuous NODCs, ADUs, AIUs ONGOING
The Management Group strongly encouraged NODCs, ADUs and AIUs to continue exploring the Ocean CD-Hub in streamlining their CD activities and contact the CD Secretariat for any inquiries 23/4/2024: sent reminder email
271 The Committee instructed the working group to draft the new structure of the IODE web site), to restart the discussions on the restructuring of the website and the IODE Secretariat to proceed with the redevelopment by end of 2023 new structure of the IODE web site


new web site to be launched January 2024

295 The Committee urged IODE NODCs, ADUs and AIUs to also submit projects, preferably as IODE actions or including IODE as a “partner” in projects Continuous NODCs, ADUs, AIUs no action reported
296 The Committee invited the IODE World Ocean Database (WOD) project to submit a Decade Action proposal via the IODE Secretariat As soon as possible WOD project


submission 20/9/2023

297 The Committee requested the DCU to keep the IODE Secretariat updated on any funding opportunities for the submitted Decade Actions and instructed the IODE Secretariat to update the IODE Management Group and IODE Committee on progress in this regard continuous DCU, IODE Secretariat no action reported by DCU
300 The Committee instructed the “IODE Intersessional Working Group (IWG) to identify the IODE contribution to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030)” to focus its work on elements 2 and 3 of its terms of reference IODE-28 IWG to identify the IODE contribution to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030)” no action
301 The Committee welcomed the numerous submissions of Decade Actions by IODE and involvement in several other Decade Actions but called on the DCU for pro-active action to attract funding to enable the implementation of the submitted actions continuous DCU see 297
302 The Committee called for the Decade’s more active participation in IODE programme elements such as ODIS, OBIS, OTGA and others as these can all contribute substantially to the data and information requirements of the Decade Continuous  DCU ONGOING
307 The Committee instructed the IODE Co-Chairs to contact the IOC Executive Secretary and DCU management to inform them about the potential benefits of OceanExpert to the Ocean Decade and extend the offer again As soon as possible IODE Co-Chairs


(IODE Co-chairs contacting IOC Exec Sec and DCU in October/ November 23)

317 The IODE Committee, taking into account the 2022 events and their global impact, decided (i) not to proceed with the establishment of the IODE Partnership Centre for ODIS during the next inter-sessional period and (ii) to consider this matter again at the 28th Session of the IODE Committee in 2025 IODE-28 IODE Committee to be discussed at IODE-28
338 The Committee called on Member States to participate in the Ocean Data and Information System (ODIS), the Ocean InfoHub Project (OIH) and OceanData-2030 to increase the visibility of their data and information holdings to the world, and to enable improved and more efficient access to global Ocean data and information Continuous Member States


to be reported on by IOH/ODIS at MG2024

344 The Committee called on UNESCO Member States to approve one of the Base Case scenarios noting that the ZNG scenario would bring IODE below the minimum level of viability. 2023 UNESCO Member States


substantial budget increase requested in 42 C/5, requested by UNESCO Executive Board to UNESCO General Conference (November 2023)

352 The Committee urged the IOC Executive Secretary to provide additional staff to IODE. 2024 IODE Co-Chairs


additional P-3 to be established in 2024 (see  117)

354 The Committee called on Member States, philanthropic organizations or private companies to consider seconding, either at the IOC Project Office for IODE, in Oostende, Belgium or in-kind (working from their usual place of work) in order to strengthen the IODE Secretariat Continuous Member States, philanthropic organizations or private companies no action reported
358 The Committee thanked the Government of Flanders (Kingdom of Belgium) and Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) for their support as an essential contribution to the resources needed by the IODE Programme, and called on the Government of Flanders (Kingdom of Belgium) and VLIZ to continue their support 2024 Government of Flanders (Kingdom of Belgium)


proposals to be submitted in 2024 when next FUST is established

360 The Committee strongly urged IOC Member States to follow the Government of Flanders (Kingdom of Belgium) example and establish structural funding agreements to support IODE. Continuous IOC Member States ONGOING

(agreement being discussed with NORAD)

361 The Committee called on its members and parent institutions to involve IODE in any project proposal that includes data or information management elements Continuous IODE Committee members and parent institutions no action reported
366 The Committee requested that relevant events should be included in the OceanExpert calendar. Continuous IODE Committee members and IODE Secretariat ONGOING, based on information received
367 The Committee invited IOC regional offices to inform the IODE Secretariat on relevant events in their region Continuous IOC regional offices ONGOING
368 The Committee recommended to the Ocean Decade Strategic Communication Group, to promote the importance of data and information inviting IODE and to join with the Ocean Decade events, among others, in which the Ocean Science community participates Continuous Ocean Decade Strategic Communication Group, ONGOING
372 The Committee adopted the work plan and budget for the next inter-sessional period and invited Member States to provide additional support to IODE Continuous Member States no support received
376 The Committee instructed the Secretariat to send out a Circular Letter to invite additional members of the Inter-sessional working group on the review of IODE structure and working methods As soon as possible IODE Secretariat


preliminary discussions in April 2023. No further action.

397 The Committee requested its Co-Chairs and the IODE Secretariat to make editorial corrections as necessary, taking into account the discussions held during the session As soon as possible IODE Secretariat DONE
398 The Committee requested the IODE Co-Chairs to present the Executive Summary to the Thirty Second Session of the IOC Assembly that would take place in June 2023 IOC-32 (June 2023) IODE Co-Chairs DONE