IODE Governance
The IODE Programme is a “primary subsidiary body” of the IOC, being subordinated to the main governing body, the IOC Assembly.
The governing body of the IODE programme is the IODE Committee. It brings together the representative of its main stakeholder communities:
- IODE national coordinators (data management and marine information management)
- NODC representatives
- ADU representatives
- AIU representatives
- (Co-)Chairs of Steering Groups of IODE programme components, programme activities and projects
- partner organizations and programmes (UN, other international, regional,…)
- observers
- IODE Secretariat
- IOC Secretariat representatives of other IOC programmes
The IODE Committee meets every two years, preferably around March/April and during the same year as a Session of the IOC Assembly (usually held late June). It elects its two Co-Chairs for a 2 year term (inter-sessional period between 2 IODE Committee Sessions), who can be re-elected once for a second term. There is a strong focus on geographic balance as well as gender when electing Co-Chairs.
The current Co-Chairs are Ms. Paula Correa Sierra (Colombia) and Ms Lotta Fyrberg (Sweden) who were elected at IODE-27 in 2023.


The role of the IODE Committee is:
- to review progress of its workplan for the past two years;
- propose a workplan and budget for the next two years;
- review proposals made by IODE activities; and
- adopt decisions as well as recommendations (that will be submitted to the IOC Assembly for approval).
Between IODE Committee Sessions, the progress monitoring is carried out by the IODE Management Group composed of the two IODE Co-Chairs, past IODE Co-Chairs, (Co-)Chair(s) of IODE Steering Groups and IODE Secretariat. The Management Group may also invite additional experts for advice or guidance.
The Management Group usually meets once during the year between IODE Committee Sessions and once at the beginning of the year when a Committee meeting will be held. Depending on the progress of activities, changes in budget or other unexpected events, the Management Group has the authority to adapt the IODE workplan accordingly. list of sessions of IODE committee and reports