The SG-OTGA-IV took place from 11-13 June 2024 in Oostende, Belgium in a hybrid format.

RTC/STC representatives, together with IOC programmes, invited experts, reported on the achievements since the last Steering Group session and discussed the work plan for the upcoming year.

The OTGA secretariat explained the OTGA project status, outlined some new guidelines and the discussed with the group the future of  OTGA.

The meeting concluded with the designation of the SG Chair. Nominations for Chair of the Steering Group for the next intersessional period were open during the meeting and two nominations were received from Ms Filomena Martins (RTC Portugal) and Ms Carolina Garcia (RTC Colombia). The Steering Group agreed to have co-chairs and duly elected Ms Martins and Ms Garcia as co-chairs for the next intersessional period. The Steering Group thanked Mr Tata Vs Udaya Bhaskar and Mr Aidy M Muslim for the work they did as co-chairs during the previous period.

The report of this meeting can be found on OceanExpert.